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Red Wallet ; the Lonely Man

The video is my first silent film and also my first movie I make. Red
Wallet is the story of the lonely man after being left by his
girlfriend. The story is made as the assignment of the Visual Story
Telling Course.

Video taken by Nikon D90 & 18-105 mm f 3,5-5,6

Edited by Adobe Premiere. Backsound music from

Laluna- Selepas Kau Pergi


India-Never Say Good Bye

2 komentar untuk "Red Wallet ; the Lonely Man"

Citra Rahman 10 Oktober 2014 pukul 04.03 Hapus Komentar
What video do you wanna share here? I can't see it. :D
bloggerbangka 21 Oktober 2014 pukul 03.52 Hapus Komentar
Halo Citra Rahman, maaf ada salah setting nya, jadi tidak keluar videonya, sekarang sudah diperbaiki. silahkan menikmati video amatir ini, :-D